All Donors


All dates in parentheses following names note Alpha Psi alumni year of graduation.

$100,000 to $142,999

Schlegel, John “Jack” (1967)

Schlegel Endowed Leadership Scholarship ($80,000)
Schlegel Endowed Leadership Development Program ($50,000)
Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)


Whitney, Arthur (1973)

Whitney Family Endowed California Scholarship ($50,000)
Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)


Dignity Health Central California


Alpha Psi Alumni Association
Saroyan, Ralph (1964) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Dunn, Matthew (2011) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)



Larimer, Ed (1969) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Nickell, Robert (1981) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)


Alpha Psi 2013 & 2014 Actives, Chapter Leadership Fund
Bennett, Doug (1971) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Borgman, Bill (1976)
DeGuire, Gary (1989) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Gorham, Larry (1967) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($2,000)
Hewitson, Louis “Rusty” (1967) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Magnasco, Andrew (1985) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Pendergraft, Flint (1981)
Przybyla, Bill (1974)  including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Wade, Rolin (1978) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)


Alston, Greg (1977)
Boragno, Robert (1968)
Boragno, Thomas Alan (1980)
Collins, Bill (1969)
Collins, Craig (1972) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Corkern, Willis (1964) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Cunnington, Blake (2006)
Dang, Honest  (2009) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Davison, Frank (1989)
Dembski, Thomas (1987) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Edgar, Steve (1981) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Encarnacion, Jamie (2016)
Esaki, Dennis (1969) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Ferrando, Michael (1969)
Flores, Dan (1979)
Gohl, Wayne (1964)
Jennison, Ronald (1967)
Kahn, Mel (1964)
Kwan, An-Chun (2009) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Le, Tina (2014) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Lee, Vivian (2013) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Mapes, Russell (1969)
Mierczynski, Jeff (1982) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Nguyen, Nam (2008)
Niewald, Yrena Friedmann (Rick Friedmann, 1981)
Precissi, Juliet (2014)
Reeve, Joanne (2014)
Richards, Paul (1981)
Serrano, Ron (1968)
Sinconis, Anthony (2014) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Takemoto, Gordon (1967) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Tran, Anthony (2009)
VanBoening, Jon (1967) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Ward, Kristen (2014) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Witherwax, Dennis (1967)
Won, Christopher (2013) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)

$2,500 – $4,999

Cho, Cynric (2012) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Conner, Michael (2012) (Fulfilling $12,000 pledge) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Clauser, Michael (1976)
Groves, Tim (1964) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Ito, Michelle (2017) (Fulfilling $5,000 pledge)
Malhotra, Ritu (2021) (Fulfilling $10,000 pledge)
Miller, Jason (2014) (Fulfilling $5,000 pledge)
Miller, Kevin (2019)
Santa, James (1975) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Shah, Chintan (2013) (Fulfilling $5,000 pledge) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Shimada, Megan (2015)
Tu, Randy (1995)
Van Zuiden-Joyner, Alex (2015)

$1,000 – $2,499

Alfonzo, Angela Mae (2014)
Alpha Psi 2016 Actives [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Alvarez, Nancy (Chapman Univ.) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Andrada, Irene (2015)
Barsamian, Robert (1983) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Brassfield, Bryan (2015)
Brodnansky, Logan (2017) (Fulfilling $5,000 pledge)
Chan, Daniel (2014)
Chauhan, Jagmeet (2014)
Chan, Samantha (2018) ($2,500 pledge)
Chia, Irene (2022) (Fulfilling $3,000 pledge)
Chinn, Michelle (2019)
Choe, Ree (2017)
Chong, Connie (2017)
Chow, Ashley (2012) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Chow, Christopher (2012) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Chu, Christopher (2009)
Dacasin, Dion (2022)
D’Anis, Matthew (2014)
Deng, Susan (2014)
Encarnacion, Marianne (2018)
Gao, Stacie (2016)
Gladstone, Danielle (2019)
Goguen, Adelle (2014)
Grider, Jack (1983)
Guerrero, Matthew (2014)
Gustafson, Clark (1966) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Harada, Michael “Scott” (2014) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Ho, Annie (2012) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Hsieh, Cindy (2017)
Isetti, Duane (UOP 1963) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
James, Dale (1965)
James, Ken (1984)
Jellin, Jeff (1974) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Keikoan, Lisa (2013) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Keith, Greg (1985)
Kim, Joseph (2016) ($1,000)
Krainert, John (1973)
Laparan, Niko (2015) (Fulfilling $5,000 pledge)
Lau, Kristen (2019)
Lee, Hyungsuk James (2016)
Legaspi, Jamie (2018) (Fulfilling $2,500 pledge)
Liu, Cynthia (2017)
Louie, Bill (1973)
MacMurphey, George (1959)
Manzana, Keoni (2015)
Mar, Dexter (1971)
Meier, Bob (1979) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Menasco, Ron (1968)
Moradian, Tom (1972) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Nelson, Gary (1964)
Nilsen, Johnny (2017)
Ngo, Christian (2013) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Nguyen, Loan (2009) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Niino, Gary (1971) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Ozdemir-Small, Sila (2014)
Padilla, Regine (2018) (Fulfilling $2,500 pledge)
Przybyla, Emily (2009)
Quatrato, Frank (1964)
Ramsey, Gary (1978) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Reitz, Russell (1974) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Reyes, Gabrielle (2017) ($1,000)
Ricci, Tony (1989)
Salas, Daniel (2013)
Samra, Navpreet (2019)
Saqueton, Matthew (2015)
Saqueton, Nichole (2013)
Schaefer, Steve (1970)
Schapansky, Greg (1977) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Short, John (1966)
Small, Matthew (2014)
Smith, Don (1983)
Sohal, Dilraj (2017)
Stratton, Dan (1976)
Taylor, Jacob (2012) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Teranishi, Sheldon (1969) [Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)]
Tran, Tien My (2014)
Trinh, Mike (2017)
Vu, Angela (2010) including Diamond Jubilee Circle Donor ($1,000)
Vu, Nicholas (2016)
Walsh, Mike (1983)
Yeung, Audrey (2017)

$500 – $999

Bains, Sandeep (2010)
Boothby, Dale & Margaret (Dale, 1964)
Cameros, Kevin (2017) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Chan, Kevin (2019) (Fulfilling $1,500 pledge)
Chao, Lisa (2021)
Chavez, Sonia (2015) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Chen, Amy (2014) (Fulfilling $5,000 pledge)
Conty, Michael (2013) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Ghiglia, Eugene (1973)
Grohs, Robert (1964)
Keown, Herbert Lee (1971)
Lehtola, Kaitlyn (2022) (Fulfilling $1,500 pledge)
Leung, Jason (2017) ($1,000 pledge)
Morita, Calvin (1975)
Nguyen, Michelle (2022) (Fulfilling $1,500 pledge)
Schmidt, Richard (1967)
Shih, Winston (2018)
Tashjian, David (1973)
Turingan, Meikela (2023) (Fulfilling $1000 pledge)
Vanderpool, Bill
Wong, Nathan (2014) (Fulfilling $1,200 pledge)
Yee, Tiffany (2011)

Up to $499

Anderson, Norman (1977)
Archer, Gary (1963)
Baez, Jessica
Balallo, Maria (2015) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Bainbridge, Deborah (2001)
Blackburn, Amy (2018) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Bragdon, Tom (2001)
Breshears, Grant (1984)
Capule, Gia (2022)
Chan, Taylor (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Cho, Erika (2013)
Cho, Jonathan (2013) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Choi, Jessica (2013)
Chun, Devin (2014) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Chung, Gilbert (2015) (Fulfilling $2,000 pledge)
Clinton, Scott (1997)
Cole, Brian (1993)
Collins, R. Joseph (1976)
Cooley, Walt (1981)
Correia, Randell (1981)
Crosetti, John (1967)
De Ranieri, Dino (1963)
DeMichele, Tanya (2002)
Dickerson, Edwin (1967)
Diego, Erin
Dingler, Ryan
Do, Ryan (2010)
Doe, Greg (1989)
Dolder, Christian (1999)
Doyle, Ian (1993)
Egi, Derrick
Encarnacion, Rachel J
Fu, Jerry
Goodman, Gary (1968)
Gordon, Dana (1986)
Gostanian, Armen (1970)
Greenwood, Sandra (Richard, 1963)
Hardcastle, Dave
Heide, Cindy (2001)
Hill, Jeffrey (1982)
Ho, Dan (2011)
Hung, Trasa
Ito, Jennifer (2021)
Kalna, Reed
Kataoka, Gerald (1970)
Keown, Herbert Lee (1971)
Kim, Klara (2023) (Fulfilling $500 pledge)
Klopping, Racalph (1984)
Kojo, Andrew (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Lai, David (2009)
Lai, Hue (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Leung, Benson (2023) (Fulfilling $1000 pledge)
Liu, Tina (2016) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Lu, Vincent (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Luginbill, Margaret
Martin, Doug (1974)
Matzen, Greg (1971)
Masotti, William (1966)
Meeks, Jeff (2000)
Mello, William Jacob (2010)
Midgley Public House
Muha, Kenneth
Nguyen, Scott
Nguyen, Sylvester
Nguyen-Tu, Petrus (2020)
Null, Larry (1976)
Oppenheimer, Phillip (Pharmacy Dean)
Ouyang, Kenneth (2022) (Fulfilling $500 pledge)
Pan, Emily (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Parathathu, Steve (2023)
Payne, R. John (1969)
Pham, Don (2020)
Phan, Tri (2009)
Pham, Lisa
Philipp, Linda & Larry
Piazza, Ben (1983)
Pieper, Ernie (1974)
Pimentel-Yee, Joy (2009) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Pirozzoli, Michael (1968)
Pitcher, Katie (2002)
Rodgers, Cora (2002)
Sams, Kelly (2016) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
See, Shelly (2018) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Seko, Emily (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Sithi, Jamie Yeung (2018) (Fulfilling $600 pledge)
Smith, David (1981)
Soares, William (1963)
Su, Michelle (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Tan, Aaron (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Tan, Florence (2012)
Tang, Tia (2019) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Thai, Tam (2010)
Thompson, Ivry
Toso, Gilbert (1960)
Tran, Brandon (2021) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Tran, Lan (2018) (Fulfilling $1,000 pledge)
Uchizono, Jim
Valine, Rodney (1976)
Van Groningen, Nick (2011)
Vo, Anna
Wong, Matt (2010)
Young, Serena (2023) (Fulfilling $1000 pledge)
Zhang, Bill (2023) (Fulfilling $1200 pledge)

Additional Pledges Made

Bamba, Joanne (2024) ($500 pledge)
Bautista, Jade (2024) ($1080 pledge)
Bui, Michelle (2016) ($1,000 pledge)
Cameros, Christine (2018) ($1,000 pledge)
Chan, Jasmine (2018) ($1,000 pledge)
Chang, Erica (2022) ($500 pledge)
Cheng, Katrina (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Cheung, Genevieve (2018) ($1,000 pledge)
Chiu, Kristina (2023) ($500 pledge)
Chung, Heidi (2017) ($1,000 pledge)
Dea, Russell (2023) ($500 pledge)
Dinh, Brenda (2021) ($500 pledge)
Do, Andrew (2021) ($1,000 pledge)
Dovan, Kimmy (2022) ($1,000 pledge)
Fischer, Katelyn (2017) ($1,000 pledge)
Gani, Kathleen (2023) ($1,000 pledge)
Hand, Alexis (2022) ($1,200 pledge)
Ho, Dan (2019) ($2,500 pledge)
Hoang, Anthony (2015) ($1,000 pledge)
Huynh, Jaquelyn (2024) $1080 pledge)
Ibis, Trixy (2024) ($1000 pledge)
Iwata, Sean (2024) ($500 pledge)
Kawakami, Emily (2021) ($1,000 pledge)
Kim, Claire (2017) ($1,000 pledge)
Kozono, Mitchell (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Le, Sandra (2021) ($5,000 pledge)
Lee, Annette (2021) ($1,000 pledge)
Lim, William (2015) ($1,000 pledge)
Liu, Roger (2021) ($1,000 pledge)
Luong, Khoa (2015) ($1,500 pledge)
Ly, Andy (2022) ($1,000 pledge)
Ly, Calvin (2018) ($1,000 pledge)
Magnasco, AnnMarie (2017) ($1,000 pledge)
Mahdavi, Beeta (2016) ($1,000 pledge)
Mangaoang, Isabel (2021) ($1,000 pledge)
Manisap, Ash (2024) ($500 pledge)
Ng, Cory (2017) ($1,000 pledge)
Nguyen, Brian (2022) ($500 pledge)
Nguyen, Ken (2023) ($500 pledge)
Nguyen, Kevin (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Nhan, Janet (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Nham, Ashly (2023) ($1,000 pledge)
Pham, Carolyn M (2024) ($1000 pledge)
Pham, Carolyn N (2024) ($100 pledge)
Pham, John (2022) ($1,000 pledge)
Rosales, Joseph (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Sam, Logan (2024) ($1000 pledge)
Seto, Sam (2023) ($500 pledge)
Shen, Celine (2023) ($500 pledge)
Shin, Andrew (2015) ($1,000 pledge)
Soares, Garret (2021) ($1,000 pledge)
Song, Yujin (2023) ($1,000 pledge)
Stearns, Nicholas (2015) ($1,000 pledge)
Su, Andrew (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Tai, Krystal (2015) ($1,000 pledge)
Tran, Phi-Nat(Bo) (2024) ($250 pledge)
Tran, Sally (2024) ($1000 pledge)
Trinh, Catherine (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Vo, Jack (2024) ($1000 pledge)
Wang, Eileen (2019) ($1,000 pledge)
Wong, Kelsey (2022) ($1,000 pledge)
Wong, Tiffany (2016) ($1,000 pledge)
Wong, Richard (2018) ($5,000 pledge)

Alpha Psi Foundation

Creating tomorrow’s leaders through annual leader development programs, scholarships and awards.


The Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt public benefit corporation, provides scholarships and leadership development for student pharmacists and new practitioners.


The Foundation aspires to be widely recognized for creating and developing tomorrow’s leaders in pharmacy, healthcare, and communities across the nation.


The Foundation embodies the belief that investing in the development of student pharmacists and new practitioners is an investment in improving the profession of pharmacy and health of our communities.